Regarding the sale of 3115 Hennepin Avenue South

As most of you are aware the majority of Pathways programs continue to be provided virtually. The Pathways building was put on the market as it was not being utilized to its capacity. Today we are excited to announce the sale of the Pathways building at 3115 Hennepin Avenue to Odigo Properties, LLC, which closed Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Soon to be called Odigo Wellness, the new owners are a small and growing group of established wellness providers, committed to health equity and trauma-informed, integrative care and offering a wide variety of holistic healing services. They are beyond excited to base their services in this special building.

We are also pleased that we will lease space from Odigo to continue our on-site acupuncture program, and we hope to add massage and more in the fall. We feel so fortunate to have the continued opportunity for a presence in the building that has housed the heart and soul of Pathways for so many years.

This building has been a very special and significant part of Pathways’ past. Its sale will support our continuing the important work of inviting those who seek healing to explore a variety of healing options, actively participate in their own healing process and be part of a healing community. We continue to offer all of our current programs. Please go to to check out program offerings.

We are so grateful for this transition from healer group to healer group at 3115 Hennepin Avenue. We wish Odigo the best in this new endeavor and journey.

Please note:  our new phone number is 651- 300-2432, and our new mailing address is P.O. Box 19361, 5500 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55419-1930

Many thanks for all your ongoing support,
Pam Lampert, Co-chair
Angie Lillehei, Co-chair